Blue rug baby portrait

Family of 3 Studio Portrait

Family of 3 studio portrait – North Lakes studio

Charlie was just adorable! Right at that age where he is sitting up all by himself, looking round and enjoying the world from this different perspective. The sitter age is just so much fun and most bubs at this stage are smiley and happy.

Brooke (Mum) was super sweet too. Due to a few medical problems on my end (including a week trip to hospital for a few nights), we had to postpone their original booking for a few weeks till I was back up and running again. She was very understanding, as all my clients were at this time and I was so happy when we could finally take some beautiful family photos for them.

Tummy family portrait

Charlie had been born during the height of Covid and so they had missed out on having newborn portraits for him. When we met the family at the Pregnancy baby child Expo, we booked them straight in for our amazing Expo special.

For their artwork the purchased a beautiful set of 3 framed prints, a family portrait of all three of them as the centre piece and an image of mum with Charlie on one side and Dad with Charlie on the other. I just love it when they take home artwork. Knowing that they have something to hang on their wall.

Families favourite image: Family portrait, Mum and Dad laying down with Charlie sitting in between them.

BAC’S Favourite image: Charlie lying down on the blue rug with a big old smile

If you would like to capture your little bundle of joy’s smile at a location or at our North Lakes studio contact us HERE!

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