Sitting on the path

McGuire Family Portrait

McGuire Family Portrait

Nudgee Reserve Location

Sharaane registered a BAC Photography Gift Voucher back in February. She received the voucher from North Lakes Hyundai.

Sharaane hadn’t had a professional portrait session in quite some time. She decided she would feel more comfortable sharing the session with her beautiful fur baby Sascha. And of course, we were super happy to hear that as we love, love, love, having fur babies to cuddle in our sessions.

 We had a few scheduling issues with covid and bad weather, so we were super excited to finally meet in May for her session at one of our favourite places, Nudgee Reserve. We were finally blessed with great weather for our session.

Black and white dog mum

We pride ourselves on making every single person feel relaxed and comfortable for their sessions with BAC and it really shows in these great shots of Sharanne and Sascha.

If you would like to book in a session with BAC Photography you can do that HERE!

So much love between this Fur Mumma and 14-year-old Sascha. The wooden lined path at the reserve is such a great frame for this little family. The picnic blanket shots give a more intimate look into the overwhelming love these two share.

Mum and dog on deck

Way too many great shots in this session to pick a Favourite!

Where to Next?

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