Daughter and Dog portrait

Fisher Family Christmas

Fisher Family Christmas

Family Perspective

My name is Sharni and I am the new Administrator for BAC photography.

I had the absolute pleasure of having a Christmas Mini Session with Belinda last week and thought I would share what it is like to have a studio session from the Families perspective.

When Belinda offered for us to have a session I was so excited and a little nervous too! I wasn’t really sure what to wear or what was involved but found the

Portrait Session Planning page on the BAC website super helpful!

BAC even has a What to wear guide that gives you options on what to wear for your photo shoot.

You can find that HERE!

My two eldest Adult children, Ashlea and Jack were both super busy with work and study all week and so Gabby and I brought along our Fur babies.

Angel is 2 1/2 and is a Shar-pei cross. She was a rescue dog and was very timid when we brought her home almost 2 years ago. She was super scared of everything and everybody back then. Having her in the studio around people she didn’t know showed us just how far she has come since we have had her.

Belinda had the patience of a saint (and some yummy puppy treats). Angel really didn’t want to stay still. So much to sniff and explore. But that didn’t stop Belinda from capturing Angels awesome personality in my favourite shots of the day!

If you would like to book your very own Pet Portrait Session or Family Portrait session you can do that HERE!

My eldest daughters dog Chicka, surprised us 6 weeks ago with a litter of puppies.

On the puppies birthday, my little Precious was injured in an accident when Mumma dog tried to pick her up and put her on the puppy pile. Her neck skin was too weak and tore so bad we had to rush the little puppy to the vet. The vet stitched her up but gave her less than 20% chance of living as she was too little to have any anaesthesia in the procedure or to have any pain medication.

Newborn puppy Christmas

She was so tiny that her whole body fit into the palm of my hand. So I named her Precious and committed to saving this Precious puppies life!

She had over 20 stitches in her little neck and needed to be tube fed every 2 hours for the first 2 weeks of her life. Her temperature needed to be taken every 2 hours to make sure she didn’t have a fever or get hypothermia and I had to weigh her twice a day to make sure she was growing ok. Many sleepless nights, some scary moments and lots of tears later, 4 weeks after her day of birth and she received the all clear from the vet and was officially a


Belinda was following our puppy journey and was super excited to meet little Precious. And boy did the little warrior puppy shine on the day! Precious eyes were now open and she had grown so much over her 4 weeks of life. She was still a sleepy little one and wanted to burrow down in the soft rug, but Belinda got some really special shots of my little Precious.

Precious puppy smiles

This last picture is of Miss Precious now at 6 weeks. Taken in my car after having her stitches out. She is such a beautiful, strong and happy puppy.

I feel so very blessed for the opportunity that Belinda has given me to come aboard the BAC photography team! I have the privilege of seeing all of your families beautiful captured moments and helping to bring them to you all.

And a huge THANK YOU to her for blessing my family with this Christmas photo shoot to mark a very memorable time in our family lives.

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